def checkint(c): while True: try: c = int(c) return c except: print ("Invaild value!") c = input("Enter shift value again:") def checkempty(s): while s=="": print ("No sentence.") s = input("Enter sentence to encrypt again:") return s def shiftletter(word, c): new_word = [] for letter in word: temp=ord(letter) if temp in range(65, 91): temp+=c temp = (temp-65)%26+65 elif temp in range(97, 123): temp+=c temp = (temp-97)%26+97 new_word.append(chr(temp)) return "".join(new_word) def encode(Input, c): word_list = Input.split() new_word_list = [] for word in word_list: new_word_list.append(shiftletter(word, c)) return " ".join(new_word_list) #My "Restart" option def exit(ans): while True: ans = str(ans).lower() if ans == "y": print ("See You!") input ("Press enter to continue") raise SystemExit() elif ans == "n": return "n" else: print () print ("Invalid Input") ans = input("Exit? (y/n)") #End of "Restart" def main(): Input = checkempty(input("Enter sentence to encrypt:")) c = checkint(input("Enter shift value:")) #for test #Input = "Mayday! Mayday!" #c = input("Enter shift value:") #end for test print ("The encoded phrase is:", encode(Input, c)) print ("Welcome to Caesar cipher!") print () re = "n" while re=="n": main() print () re = exit(input("Exit? (y/n)")) print () print ()
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