from random import randint #function for print out the board def print_board(board): for row in board: print (" ".join(row)) #variable for restart re=1 while (re==1): #generate a game board board = [] for row in range(5): board.append(["O"]*5) ship_row = randint(0,len(board)-1) ship_col = randint(0,len(board[0])-1) print ("Battle Ship!") print_board(board) #for debug, del it after finish print ("(", ship_row, ",", ship_col, ")") #give 4 turns to guess for turn in range(4): print () print ("Turn ",turn+1) guess_row = int(input("Guess Row:")) guess_col = int(input("Guess Col:")) #different result according to the guess if guess_row == ship_row and guess_col == ship_col: board[guess_row][guess_col] = "W" print () print ("Congratulations! You sunk my battleship!") print_board(board) break else: print () if guess_row not in range(5) or guess_col not in range(5): print ("Oops, that's not even in the ocean.") elif board[guess_row][guess_col] == "X": print ("You guessed that one already.") else: board[guess_row][guess_col] = "X" print ("You missed my battleship!") print_board(board) if turn == 3: print ("Gome Over") print () #variable for asking restart res=1 while(res==1): response = input("Restart(Y/N)? ") print () response = response.upper() if response == "Y": res=0 elif response == "N": res=0 re=0 else: print ("Invalid Input") print () print () print () print () raise SystemExit("See You!")
當中加入了while loop和raise SystemExit()來作重新開始和結束遊戲的選擇。
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